It's not easy to know when and how to help aging parents. This workshop can help!
When do you take away the car keys? Who should be named on financial accounts? What do you need to finalize for estate planning? Is mom safe living at home by herself?
These are some of the questions we will address in our "Tough Conversations with Mom and Dad" Seminar. Join us on Monday, September 13, 2021, at 6:30 pm in the Raintree Square dining room. We will have expert speakers who will address these issues and more:
Estate planning with Sebastian G. Crider of Hayes Copenhaver Crider Harvey LLP.
Insurance and investments with Scott Koontz of Koontz Insurance and Financial Services.
Advance planning with a representative of Hinsey-Brown.
Retirement living opportunities with Raintree Square team.
Open question discussion to follow.
Bring your tough questions. Our discussion group will help you find answers.
Seating is limited and an RSVP is required to attend. Light refreshments will be served. We are sorry but childcare is not available. R.S.V.P. by September 9. Call Raintree Square at 765-521-3491.